TWO former Stourbridge students who lost their lives in combat have been commemorated with the unveiling of a new war memorial at King Edward VI College.

The names of former students James Henry Watkins and John Graham Pearson were found to be missing from the college’s original memorial so a new plaque has been added to include them and it was officially unveiled at a Remembrance event on Armistice Day (Monday November 11).

After archivist Kenneth Wright discovered the names of the two students were missing – the Lower High Street college issued a plea to trace any living descendants of the pair who died in the Great War.

 Archivist Kenneth Wright and the memorial with the missing names addedArchivist Kenneth Wright and the memorial with the missing names added (Image: King Edward VI College) As a result of the appeal - Dr Chris and Ursula Oxley, descendants of John Graham Pearson, travelled from Nottinghamshire to attend the official unveiling of the new memorial which honours former staff and students who lost their lives during the world wars.

King Edward VI College principal Holly Bembridge and the new memorial plaqueKing Edward VI College principal Holly Bembridge and the new memorial plaque (Image: King Edward VI College)

Principal Holly Bembridge said: “We honour the sacrifice of all of our former students and staff who died in war, and remembering their lives is an important part of our year.

“We’re incredibly grateful to Kenneth Wright, who has been tenacious in ensuring these men are not lost to us, and to our trustees who have donated this memorial. It is a fitting tribute to these two brave young men.”

The college, which was previously a former boys’ grammar school, said it wasn't able to locate any descendants of James Henry Watkins.

Mr Wright’s research on the memorial will be included in a forthcoming publication documenting the lives and experiences of those who served in the war.