RESIDENTS have been voicing their opposition to plans by ALDI to extend its Wollaston supermarket onto a popular piece of community land.

The supermarket giant has again applied to expand its store in Bridgnorth Road onto The Dell Open Space, as it’s known locally, at the end of The Dell residential street, saying it has taken on board feedback after a previous failed planning application.

A number of residents living on The Dell and surrounding streets have objected to the plan saying it would be a “travesty to lose a community space just for a slightly bigger supermarket”.

Wollaston councillor Andrew Tromans and greenbelt campaigner David Sheppard hosted a public meeting on Friday November 22, attended by more than 30 residents, to give people chance to air their views on the proposal which follows a similar plan that was submitted in 2008/2009 and subsequently refused both locally and by the Planning Inspectorate.

Cllr Andrew Tromans, right, chairing a public meeting about ALDI's plan to extend its Wollaston store onto The Dell Open SpaceCllr Andrew Tromans, right, chairing a public meeting about ALDI's plan to extend its Wollaston store onto The Dell Open Space (Image: Cllr Andrew Tromans)

Cllr Tromans, an independent councillor on Dudley Council, said: “We had a well-rounded discussion and came to the decision we would campaign against the proposed store extension.

“I will do all I can to support the campaign to defend The Dell Open Space.”

Former Stourbridge MP Suzanne Webb (Conservative) has also added her backing to residents.

She said: “The message was loud and clear from the residents that the land won't be handed over without a fight.

“I am happy to support this campaign as both a resident of Wollaston and someone who has always thought the residents’ voice needs to be higher up the chain when it comes to planning decisions.

“All credit to Cllr Tromans for standing up for local residents.”

Resident Karen Brooks, of The Dell, said: “It would be a travesty to lose a community space just for a slightly bigger supermarket.”

A planning statement, prepared by Avison Young for Aldi, says the extension is needed as the Wollaston store “trades very well but is significantly compromised by its small size”.

It adds: “ALDI is proposing to extend the store to improve the shopping experience for its customers and to allow its product range to be stocked in greater depth. It is proposed to extend the store onto the land to the rear, which is currently owned by Dudley Council but which ALDI is proposing to acquire.

“ALDI has carefully considered the matters that led to the refusal in 2009, and which remained outstanding after the appeal had been determined and has sought to address them in this resubmission.

“ALDI is aware that residents who live adjacent to the site were concerned at the time of the previous application and appeal about various matters, including how the remainder of the open land would be laid out, managed and used after the completion of the development. With this in mind, ALDI spoke with the ward councillor in February 2023 and again in September 2023 to seek views.”

The planning statement adds that should planning permission be granted, ALDI will include the land within its store/site management and maintenance plan and will ensure it is appropriately maintained.

Almost 30 letters of objection have been lodged with Dudley planners along with several letters of support from locals who say a bigger supermarket selling budget items would be welcome during the cost-of-living crisis.

Stourbridge MP Cat Eccles, who is also a ward councillor for Wollaston and Stourbridge Town, said: "I have been supporting residents on The Dell and surrounding streets for several years regarding the planning application submitted by ALDI to extend the Wollaston store. 

"When the most recent planning application was brought forward over 12 months ago, I organised meetings with ALDI representatives and residents to ensure their views and concerns were heard and addressed. 

"While it is disappointing that Dudley Council are seeking to dispose of this public open space, that is separate to any planning decisions. The current planning application proposes keeping two thirds of the POS, landscaping, and maintaining it in perpetuity, while shielding nearby residents from visual obstruction or noise nuisance."

She said she has urged Dudley's planners to come to a decision "sooner rather than later" and she added: "I will continue to support local residents on issues such as this and more than happy to hear from anyone needing additional support."

Dudley Council has been contacted for comment.

To comment on the plan go to Dudley Council’s planning portal (search P23/1265).