CHAIRMAN Jill Dunn opened the September meeting with 45 members and two visitors in attendance. She continued hoping everyone had enjoyed the ‘summer’ break and followed with apologies.

The minutes of the last meeting were read by the secretary, passed and the treasurer followed with her report.

There is to be a challenge for all guilds to compete in the 80th celebrations of the TWG. More of this at the next meeting but there are lots of items in which members could be involved.

Unfortunately, the Harvest Supper has had to be cancelled due to fire damage at the venue.

The final amount raised by members and friends in aid of the McMillan Nurses is £327. A splendid effort and thanks must go to June Lees, the organiser. However, it was agreed by members that the McMillan Walk next year must take place on a date other than a guild meeting night.

The final of the bowls competition has taken place, with Daphne Pearce a brilliant winner, Brenda Holmes giving her a very competitive challenge.

The Luncheon club are meeting on September 23 and the venue; the Rainbow Palace, Stambermill, Lye.

There are lists going around for members wishing to go to the Trentham Garden Fayre on November 18, also the Rose Theatre on December 11. Further details can be obtained from the secretary.

Business completed, we were then entertained by Will Farmer with our own ‘Auction Roadshow’. Members brought along their antiques which were valued by Mr farmer. We found the talk and valuation most interesting and thanks were expressed to him by the chairman.

Raffle winners were Rowena Guest and Meg Guinness but time ran out for the competition.

The next meeting is October 14 in Wollaston Church Hall at 7.30pm when non-members would be most welcome.