MEMBERS were welcomed to the September meeting by the chairman, Mrs Joyce Knotts.

She hoped that everyone had managed to enjoy the summer break, despite the weather. The secretary, Mrs Margaret Brooks and the treasurer, Mrs Rosemary Bell, gave their reports.

The guild harvest supper is being held on October 22 at the Broadway Inn, 6.45 for 7pm. Mrs Sheila Macklin did a brisk trade on the sales table with her books and cards.

A visit to the Rose Theatre is being arranged for February 11, to see ‘Improbable Fiction’, by Alan Ayckbourn. Tickets will cost £7.50 each. Mrs Margaret Bache is arranging a walk for the rambling group around Chaddesley Corbett on September 30.

Two more knitted blankets have been received for the children of Belarus, making a total so far of 38.

The guest speaker was Mr Malcolm Astley, who gave an illustrated talk on the National Trust and Moseley Old Hall in particular. He was thanked by the chairman. Refreshments were provided by Mrs Marian Smith. The raffle was won by Mrs Beryl Gordon.

The next meeting will be on October 27, when a talk entitled, ‘Woven in Kidderminster’ will be given.

Meetings are held in Hall 2 of the Norton Community Centre and visitors and new members will be made very welcome.