VOLUNTEERS at Stourbridge’s Age Concern are celebrating after scooping a clutch of awards for the services they provide to the town’s elderly.

The charity - which provides discount dinners seven days a week to the over 55s at its Elton Centre HQ - has been given a four-star ‘excellent’ rating for its standard of food and hygiene by Dudley Council’s directorate of the urban environment as part of its Scores on the Doors rating scheme for food and drink outlets.

The award, presented last week, was swiftly followed by a gold award from Dudley PCT, congratulating the organisation for ‘Promoting Healthy Food Choices’ as part of the borough’s Dudley Food for Health awards scheme.

And to top it off, the centre has also scooped an accolade from Age Concern nationally for promoting the charity’s tailor-made insurance products fro OAPs, funeral plans and energy and legal services.

Joe Green, Elton Centre manager, said: “I think the public of Stourbridge will be pleased to know this centre has got these awards.”

And he praised volunteers Ann Dukes, head chef, and trading and facilities manager Kevin Davies - who runs the insurance office at the Elton Centre - for their efforts.

As well as lunchtime meals and insurance deals for pensioners - the centre, just off St Johns Road and next to St Johns Church, also offers an array of services and activities to keep the elderly informed and entertained.

Bowls, sequence dancing, bingo and card games, yoga and art classes are on offer throughout the week, as well as surgeries on legal issues, will writing, tax advice, pension entitlement, and help applying for bus passes.

Many of the services are offered - not least - are thanks to continued donations from Age Concern Enterprises (ACEnt) - the trading arm of the national Age Concern charity, which donates its net profits to support the work of Age Concern groups across the country.

Funds from ACEnt - which is celebrating 25 years - also goes towards helping Age Concern groups to lobby the government to improve the rights and lives of older people.

Gordon Morris, managing director, Age Concern Enterprises, said: “From the beginning, our aim has been to redress inadequacies and failures in the market by offering customers products and services that will enhance their quality of life and generate sustainable income for the charity.

“Now, a quarter of a century later, we boast a portfolio of quality, tailored products that increasingly contributes to the success of Age Concern and offers many benefits to customers.”

The Stourbridge centre is currently promoting Age Concern’s Aid Call system - a personal alarm which elderly people can use to call for help in an emergency.

It is also be offering free electric blanket testing tomorrow (Friday December 12) at the Elton Centre - where Dudley’s trading standards officers will be checking blankets for faults.

For enquiries or to book a place call trading standards on 01384 814668 - or call centre manager Joe Green on 01384 390065 or 01384 443296 for more information on services and activities provided by Age Concern Stourbridge.