Our May meeting is traditionally our “Resolutions Meeting” when members are asked to vote on the chosen resolutions for debate at the National AGM, which this year will take place in Liverpool on 8th June.

To help us in our decisions President Jo Baker introduced our Advisor from Worcester Federation, Pauline Briggs, who would guide us by providing information in favour and against the proposed resolutions and answer questions members might have.

The resolutions for discussion were “This meeting urges HM Government to maintain support for local libraries, as an essential local educational and information resource” and also “This meeting abhors the practice of factory farming particularly large animals such as pigs and cows and urges HM Government to ensure planning permission is not granted for such projects”.

Pauline informed us that libraries were high on the political agenda of local authorities all over the country in their programme of cuts.

It was estimated that 600 libraries across the country might close although statistics showed that there were 322 million visits to the library each year and that now 78% of 5-10 year olds used the library, which was very encouraging.

Members agreed that libraries were an essential part of any community and there was a majority vote by members that this resolution should by passed at the AGM.

The question of “mega farms” (the second resolution) provided a lively question and answer session as members could see the pros and cons of such a project.

Our voting on the resolution was inconclusive and gave a discretional vote to our delegate attending the AGM, Mrs Joy Evans, to vote on our behalf after she had heard the full debate.

Members will look forward to the result of the voting at the AGM in June.

Much needed refreshments were available after our discussions and future events were noted by members who wished to attend a visit to Arley Arboretum, the County Quiz, a social evening with Pedmore WI with entertainment and a sale of handbags and scarves, as well as a visit to Chatsworth House, Derbyshire in July.

We meet on the 3rd Wednesday of each month at Pedmore School at 7.30pm and visitors are made most welcome. To find out more information about Wychbury WI please look at our website www.wychburywi.moonfruit.com.