At our May meeting we welcomed Cynthia Caldicott, who is employed by Le Gruyere Swiss Cheese manufacturers to promote their cheese.

Cynthia gave brief details about her working life, firstly working for the Milk Marketing Board and then for Gruyere Cheese.

She explained how gruyere cheese is produced, how the cheeses are polished with a salt cloth each day and turned over and around until they are mature and ready to be sold. She then made a fondue for us to sample along with cheese straws, cheese wheels etc.

After a short break we held our Annual WI Resolution meeting where we discussed the two resolutions from National WI which are to be put to the June AGM in Liverpool.

Firstly the proposed introduction of Mega Farms (Factory farming of large animals) and secondly against the closure of public libraries. The meeting was divided on the first proposal and so more information was requested, the second resolution was agreed unanimously.

A tour of Hartlebury Castle and Library will take place on the 16 June and this year’s garden visit to Seechem Manor, Alvechurch. has been planned for 6 July. We hope for a warm dry evening.

At our next meeting to be held on the 15 June we will be welcoming Beryl Wilson who will be talking about Ethiopian Experiences.

We extend a warm invitation to anyone who would like to come and visit, to see what we do, you will be made very welcome and you might like it. Our meetings are held on the third Wednesday of the month in Broome Village Hall commencing at 7.30pm.