The chairman Joyce Knotts welcomed members and a visitor Eileen Bond to the April meeting.

After the secretary and treasurer reports were read, information was given about the Mayor’s charity concert on May 11 and the Armed Forces Day at Himley hall on June 26.

The list of names for the guild’s outing to the Cotswold’s on August 10 was circulated.

Friends are welcome to join us and the cost of £16 is required at the June meeting.

members enjoyed the performance of Hotel Paradiso at the Rose Theatre on April 13 and thanks were extended to Margaret Tew for arranging the visit.

Four more blankets have been completed and the total now received, to date is 81.

Dorothy Roberts has offered ro host a tea party in her garden on August 20.

There will be more details later.

the speaker was David Berry who gave an interesting talk on the workings of the courts during his time as a witness support volunteer.

Raffle prizes were won by Cissie Shaw and Beryl Gordon.

The next meeting will be the birthday dinner at The Brasserie, Kidderminster on May 23.