IN response to Mrs Jan Daniels referring to no bar in Lye but yes to the Atlantic House project last week, I would like to clarify a point which the people of England need to understand.

Incidentally, I'm not a politician or member of any council party. I'm just a member of the voting public.

Whether local or national government, the meaning of the word democracy falls into two key areas. These are: So long as the people agree with the decision made by our representatives and leaders then you live in a democratic society.

If on the other hand, we the voting public raise an objection, no matter how small or large, with the self-righteous decision of our so-called local or general representatives then democracy has no credibility.

I would also point out that the Atlantic house project was signed and sealed well in advance of any member of the public knowing anything about it.

Very democratic, maybe because the local authority new exactly what the response would be?

Remember, less than 40 per cent of the population voted for Labour in the last general election yet they still maintained control.

Vote for whom you wish in any election as it will make no difference.

If you think you live in a democratic society then think again. Our local councillors are no better than MPs as they constantly ignore the wishes of the voting public.

God bless & RIP England.

Adrian from Brierley Hill by email