WE are a nation that has always been kept under control by politicians who I say are put there by the rich people of this country.

The very same thing that goes on in the Far Eastern countries where the rich get richer and the poor are still the same, after hundreds of years.

Well it's no different here, give me a million pounds and you become a lord.

The gap between the poor and the rich has become larger and larger.

I am asking you voters out there not to vote any more for MPs who have done nothing for us and get yourself a newly elected people's party.

Which, for one thing in particular will give us a chance to voice our opinions.

If I was 30 years younger I would be out there leading you from the front.

After years after year being told what to do, by a bunch of MPs who line their own pockets first and you can have what's left after.

Now we have got another millionaire coming into power, who is ready to start taxing us already, what does a millionaire know about poor people.

Rudely nothing, but it's nice to get a good job and roof over his head, 10 Downing Street!

This whole business makes you sick. Our country is a right old state.

CR Brown Wollescote