IN response to Ken Barnes' defence of politicians, I'm sure being an MP isn't all cakes 'n' ale.

But I am also certain of one other thing: they are all volunteers. So, there must be something in it for them. I wouldn't like to comment on what that might be.

For Mrs Waltho's 'report' to be worthy of that status I'd suggest it needed to be a far more in-depth, unbiased and non-partisan scrutiny of her previous 12 months, maybe with independently audited accounts of her expenditure.

As was presented it was no such thing and clearly more fitting to the category of marketing material. My objection is that it is paid for with our money and I would object no matter to which party an MP belongs.

I have been made previously aware of Mrs Waltho's Usual Suspects Club. It seems the membership criterion is that of disagreeing with her. I wonder if this type of response is befitting of our representative?

I have no doubt that all MPs work hard, but I don't see why they should not be subject to critical comment. Most other public sector workers are made increasingly accountable in a variety of ways; why not MPs?

Paul Sawtell, by e-mail