DARWIN’S Theory of Evolution is, I think fair to say, supported by a vast array of scientific evidence and widely accepted by the vast majority of thinking people.

Your recent correspondent on the subject, having watched Channel 4’s series on Darwin, appears also to have taken the theory on board.

He, or she, then in one fell swoop, uses the theory to disparage Christian believers as peddlers of ‘untruth’.

Yes, Darwin’s theory explains how plants, insects, animals and human beings came to be what they are now, without reference to a Divine Creator but that doesn’t disprove God’s existence. Many of religious belief, consent to the theory and argue it offers support for how everything came into being from the work of a grand designer.

The designer being God. It was He/She who constructed the complexity, efficiency and effectiveness of life in the world.

Analogues to a watch needing a watchmaker, so too does the planet, indeed the whole Universe, require a Divine watchmaker.

There are objections to the Divine designer argument followed by counter objections and that’s when things become involved.

For those who dare tread into this hot cauldron of intellectual debate, my advice is to be careful because it is so easy, without preparation, to get scalded.

Whether God exists or not, is a fundamental question. It can’t be answered from watching a television series.

Furthermore, to enlist the aid of a famous quotation by John Lennon to conclude, ‘religious belief has no place in the world’, displays poor reasoning.

Edward Davies
